过一复合盐 厂家 70693-62-8 过原粉 鱼塘底改 水质改良处理 Potassium hydrogen peroxymonosulfate chemical raw materials manufacturer 70693-62-8 品名:过一复合盐 Name:Potassium hydrogen peroxymonosulfate 中文 Chinese Aliase:单过复合盐; 过一; 过 英文Aliase:Potassium peroxymonosulfate; Potassium Monopersulfate; potassium 3-sulfotrioxidan-1-ide; Oxone CAS:70693-62-8 分子式Molecular Formula:HKO6S 分子量Molecular Weight:168.1676 EINECS:274-778-7 储存:独立密封于低温避光干燥洁净,通风条件良好的仓间内 Storage:Independently sealed in a warehouse with low temperature,dark,dry,clean and well ventilated conditions. 外观:白色细小颗粒 Appearance:Fine white particle 含量:活性成分≥42.8% 活性氧≥4.5% Content:KHSO5≥42.8% AO≥4.5% 包装:25kg/袋,700kg/袋, 内用塑料袋外用编织袋包装 Packaging Specifications:25kg per bag,700kg per bag, inner package is plastic bag,out package is woven bag. 用途:污水处理,鱼塘改底水质改良,养鸡场消毒等 Application:*age treatment,Improvement of fish pond water quality,Disinfection of chicken farms etc. 湖北帝柏化工有限公司总部成立于09年,位于湖北省长江中游两岸,我国历史文化古城之一的“荆州”。主要从事化工原料及中间体、生物酶类、动植物提取物等新兴产品的研发及销售,是集研发、生产、销售一体的**产业单位。 Hubei Dibo Chemical Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009, located in Hubei Province on both sides of the middle reaches of the Changjiang River, one of Chinese historical and cultural ancient cities "Jingzhou".?Mainly engaged in active pharmaceutical ingredients , pharmaceutical material and intermeidates, biological enzymes, animal and plant extracts and other emerging products R & D and sales, is a collection of R & D, production, sales of high-tech industrial units. 温馨提示: 因产品的特殊性,价格和库存波动较大,产品价格和详情介绍仅供参考,不支持直接线上下单,下单前请先联系我司具体下单流程. 本公司所售产品均属原料类产品,只对企业及科研机构销售,所有产品均不对个人销售.另外据新广告法要求,不对产品功xiao和应用进行说明,请您自行查阅网络相关词条或相关文献!并在此郑重声明:本店所有页面上的jue对化用词,功xiao性用词和程度化用词在此声明后全部失效,不作为赔付依据.我们也将逐步排查修改,若有遗漏请各位监督提醒,我们不接受也不妥协以任he用语作为赔付依据:望各位新老客户理解!再次感谢! Tips: Due to the particularity of products,the price and inwentory fluctuate greatly, the product price and details are for reference only,and online ordering is not supported.please contact customer service before an order. The products sold by the company are raw material products, only for enterprises, scientific research institutions sales, all products are not sold to individuals. In addition, according to the requirements of the new advertising law, does not explain the efficacy and application of the product, please consult the relevant Internet entries or relevant literature! And hereby solemnly declare: the absolute words on all pages of the store, the efficacy of words and degrees of words in this statement after all invalid, not as the basis for compensation. If there is any omission, please remind us. We do not accept or compromise with any language as the basis for compensation. Please understand! Thanks again!